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Date Asked: 03/15/2016 Date Answered: 03/17/2016
Poster: Mark Greenleaf Company: Commonwealth Engineers & Consultants, Inc.
Since our 25 page technical narrative is to be based on the order and information shown in the Technical Selection Criteria table, is the "Company Introduction" to be part of the 25 page narrative, or separate and prior to? If included in the 25 pages, under which numbered item in the table should it be included so that the order is acceptable?
As presented in RFP, "Company Introduction" comes under Relevant Experience reference and should be briefly stated as part of the 25-PAGE technical narrative.
Date Asked: 03/09/2016 Date Answered: 03/09/2016
Poster: lucy murray Company: RIDOT
TO ALL RESPONDENTS: The response posted 2/29/16 relative to Firms precluded on the future 6/10 D-B project was ERRONEOUSLY stated. The selected 6/10 Project TEAM - Prime and Subs- WILL BE precluded from participation on the future 6/10 D-B Project. Please refer to ADDENDUM 7550287A2 posted on the RIVIP on 3/9/16 for formal correction/clarification.
Date Asked: 02/29/2016 Date Answered: 02/29/2016
Poster: robert kalunian Company: crossman engineering
Will the sucessful 6/10 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT (Prime) be precluded from participating in the future design-build contract, either as a Prime or a Sub-consultant? Will a sucessful 6/10 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING sub-consultant be precluded from participating in the future design-build contract either as a Prime or a Subconsultant?
NO. RIDOT plans to make available 30% design plans to the D-B Respondents at the time of solicitation.
Date Asked: 02/23/2016 Date Answered: 02/24/2016
Poster: Mark Greenleaf Company: Commonwealth Engineers & Consultants, Inc.
The fifth page of the RFP ("Proposal Format") says that the LOI/Tech is limited to 25 pages, with those pages in excess to be discarded. It also says that the information "must be organized in the exact order in which the following RFP requirements are presented with page numbers in consecutive order...(or) proposals will be disqualified." Those requirements are then listed via fifteen bulleted items, from "Company Introduction" to "Supplemental Technical Information". Please clarify which of the fifteen bulleted items are intended to be part of the sequentially numbered, exactly ordered, 25 page LOI/Tech (especially with regard to SF330's, Sub-consultant proposals, and supplemental Technical Information).
The 25 Page narrative should be based on the selection criteria as defined in the RFP on which you will be evaluated. The " 25 bullets" in the RFP simply provide you with an explanation and specific breakdown of this information. As far as SF 330, Resumes, Sub-Proposals etc. these would be all "exhibits" to your proposal which should be referenced in your narrative but are used to supplement your technical narrative.
Date Asked: 02/17/2016 Date Answered: 02/17/2016
Poster: Mark Greenleaf Company: Commonwealth Engineers & Consultants, Inc.
The second page of the RFP states that the consultant's OH rate is capped at 125%. Please confirm whether "consultant's", written as singular/possessive, is intended to mean only the Prime, and not the subconsultants.
The 125% OH CAP will apply to all QBS Firms submitted under this RFP.
Date Asked: 02/17/2016 Date Answered: 02/17/2016
Poster: Scott Delesdernier Company: Michael Baker International
Given that the contract will eventually be negotiated on a cost plus fixed fee basis, please confirm whether there will be a salary rate cap imposed, and if so, what is the capped rate.
The current RIDOT approved base salary rate is $55.00/HR.